Thursday, February 21, 2013

New house delivered

This testimony was written by another member of the Freedom Ministries family. To see more, please go to

I wanted to move from the apartments that we lived in, so I asked God for a new place to live. Moving is not something we cannot afford at this moment, so I had no idea how it would happen. I just thanked and gave him all the praise for a new place even though I didn't know how it would work. Then about a month later we got a place! The
landlord is only charging us half of what he knows he can get for it which is only $40 more than what we pay now in the apartment! Hallelujah! We will be out by the end of
October! He makes a way when there is no way!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Broken foot healed

This testimony was written by another member of the Freedom Ministries family. To see more, please go to

My grandaughter was sitting on a chair when it collapsed, and her foot got caught under it. When my daughter looked at her foot it was clearly broken and she was in pain. My daughter remained calm and just said Jesus and put anointing oil on it. When
she looked again the foot turned back to normal, and was in no pain! We give God all the glory!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Divine Pregnancy

This testimony was written by another member of the Freedom Ministries family. To see more, please go to

My wife and I have been trying to have a baby for two years
now. We kept believing and standing on the word. We give
God ALL the Glory because the doctors have confirmed,
my wife is pregnant!! The doctors were confounded because
he said the baby was conceived at a time where it was
scientifically impossible! He makes a way when there is NO

Monday, February 18, 2013

Cancer dried up in Jesus' name!

This testimony was written by another member of the Freedom Ministries family. To see more, please go to

Two weeks ago, my friends Deb and Jen came to a
fellowship meeting. Several weeks prior, Deb was
diagnosed with double breast cancer and was scheduled
to get a lumpectomy. I should also preface that she was
diagnosed in early Sept with breast cancer and they
suspected uterine cancer as well. Pastor Mike
was in town for a fellowship and Debra's aunt asked
Pastor Mike to pray that she did not have the uterine
cancer. The next day, she was evaluated and results - NO
Uterine cancer! Anyway, she came to fellowship and
asked that we pray for her. We prayed that the cancer die
up and that no cancer be found. On Monday before the
lumpectomy, they decided to do ultrasound to check out
things before the surgery. Guess what?! They found
Radiologist were brought in and other doctors and no one
could figure it out! We all know that's because it was truly
a God given miracle! He can (and does!) anything! Praise

God is no respecter of persons, so please remember that He doesn't heal some and not others. If you or anyone you know is suffering from cancer or any other illness,  please know that "He is the God that healeth thee". Take this testimony, and claim it as your own! If you are in need of prayer, please feel free to email me at

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Children putting their faith to work

This testimony was written by another member of the Freedom Ministries family. To see more, please go to

Our Family has 10 chickens. One of them was showing symptoms of having a digestion issue. When we purchased the chicks, we were told if this happened and didn’t clear up, it would die in one day. My five year old prayed over the chick, with such fire and passion, speaking the Word of the Lord over the chick. She ministered to me as she was praying.   Glory to God, our chick is fine! God is so good!
My Uncle was visiting and burned his thumb on the oven grate. He is not a believer and said that it would swell and blister. I said let me pray for it, so we did. When I saw him two days later, he expressed his amazement that the burn never hurt or blistered. Praise God

Friday, February 8, 2013

Car supernaturally provided

This testimony was written by another member of the Freedom Ministries family. To see more, please go to

We had a car break down on the way home from work one evening. It looked to be a major repair needed. Shelby and I talked about our options and decided that we did not wish to get into debt with a car loan and were going to believe God for a debt free solution. It feels like we went back and forth for a few days about if we should just look into purchasing a car. We kept to the decision to believe for a debt free solution and we decided to be prayed over at church. During the service I received a phone call and just let it go to voicemail. After the service we asked Pastor Mike to pray over us concerning the car situation. He simply prayed  Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Pastor Mike also just talked to us about having peace and knowing that God knows what we have need of. After we left I checked the voicemail and it was a message for a car to be given to us debt free. Praise God, He had everything figured out before we even had received a prayer. Seek ye first!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Healed by the Power of God

This testimony was written by another member of the Freedom Ministries family. To see more, please go to

I was scheduled for fairly serious dental surgery and they pretty well

knocked me out to do it. My wife drove me down, spent some shopping while I
was under, and then came back to drive me home. She has to tell the rest
because I don't remember much of it, just bits and pieces.
(My wife’s part) God's part:
When I got back to pick up my husband I was greeted by the doctor after 15 minutes
who brought me a bunch of prescriptions and said that they would be
monitoring him a little longer. (I had no idea this was even a serious
procedure. I went along to shop.) She said he was slow to wake up so I
settled in to read my current Oyedepo book appreciating the quiet time.
About 30 minutes later the receptionist told a waiting patient that they
were sorry for the wait and it would be a bit longer. She said they had
encountered a challenge they hadn't expected.
The light came on in my head. I suddenly was in a different mindset. This
is where the Holy Spirit began instructing me. I immediately knew the
challenge was my husband. I was taking inventory of what was with me. I had the
mantle and anointing oil. I had to find my husband. His timing is perfect! Right
then the Doctor emerged again to thank me for my patience and tell me his
numbers were not where they needed to be to release him. I told her I was
going back to him. They had put the receptionist beside him to watch the
numbers so there must have been a fair amount of concern. Not a problem.
That is not our portion. With authority I told her thank you I'd take over
and she left. I put the mantle on my sleeping husband , anointed him with oil
proclaiming perfect health and function in Jesus name. He immediately
awoke, took the mantle and put it on his head and began praying. The doctor
came in just a moment later and said "Oh, those numbers are what we are
looking for". Praise the Lord! He was in a wheel chair and out of there
within 5 minutes!